Sexual Awakening for Women
What is meant by Sexual Awakening?
The Feminine Principle
If we really want to connect to the wildness of who we are and to our untamed, free and spontaneous expression as the feminine principle, then we have to understand that she, ‘The Feminine Principle’, does not have just one face. She has a thousand million faces.
She comes through the face of every creature on the earth and also through all the elements that create everything that is on the planet. It’s very important for us to realise as women that we really are elemental creatures!
“I imagine many circles of women across the world gathering. I imagine your presence in the world contributing to the awakening of the Feminine everywhere on our planet.”
~ Shakti Malan
Why focus on Sexuality?
Experience living every day as the Awake Feminine whose sexuality is natural and wild, unfettered by the past, and an expression of deep love and creative abundance.
Birthing A New World
“I imagine many circles of women across the world gathering. I imagine your presence in the world contributing to the awakening of the Feminine everywhere on our planet.”
~ Shakti Malan
An Invitation to Explore and Deepen Your Own Sexual Awakening
Embark on a transformative path with Shakti Malan’s profound insights into feminine sexuality as your base. Whether you’re taking the first step with the foundational ebook, delving deeper through the immersive 7-week course, or committing to our comprehensive 1-year intensive, each avenue is designed to guide you towards the liberation and celebration of your sexual essence.
Choose the pace and depth of your exploration and awaken to the wild, untamed spirit of the Feminine Principle within. Your journey to sexual awakening starts here.