There are three archetypes of feminine sexuality that are called on in the process of sexual awakening. Men, with some creative reading, you’ll see how this applies to your journey.
The sexual archetype I’d like to introduce here is the Virgin. In our collective unconscious, the words “virgin” and “sexual” don’t go together. Patriarchy has turned the virgin into an asexual, disembodied creature who floats ethereally above her body.
So you may be surprised to hear me say: Without a full claiming and embodiment of the virginal in our sexuality, our sex will never plumb the depths that it can take us to. And you may be even more surprised to hear me say: the virginal has nothing to do with how many sexual encounters we have had. The sexual virgin in us has a quality of singleness, presence and profound inner freedom.
She is single in that she resides in our essential nature, before any experience. She is not given to the entanglement that characterizes most sexual relationships, whether they be between marriage partners or sexual flings. Her love is for the Beloved within, who manifests as the beloved in another body.
To explore this quality, try this:
The virgin is present. She experiences each moment as the first touch of the beloved. Try for yourself.
Imagine meeting a lover in this way. Imagine touching someone you have been with for 20 years as if this touch is the very first one. That is the quality of the virgin alive in your sexuality.
Finally, the virgin brings profound inner freedom to our sexuality. She brings you back to your wholeness: To discover what this means, get a pen and paper and try the following exercise: